Kai Huculak - 1 Closed Transaction Within 90 Days + 2 Actively Looking to Buy

State 1: Excellent car salesman. Made a switch to selling real estate and was doing about 1 deal per month.
State 2: Closed 1 transaction within 90 days. 2 leads actively looking to buy. 1 potential listing in the coming months. Tons of additional working clients.
Kai is an agent working out of Naniamo, BC where he was previously working as a car salesman selling about 10/15 cars per month. After making the switch over to real estate (prior to working with us), Kai was doing about 1-2 deals per month. After joining our program, Kai has already closed his first deal and got multiple working clients that will close within the next 3-6 months. Kai is currently working on locking down his follow-up game to optimize for response and activity rate with leads generated online.

Market: Nanaimo, BC

Result: 1 Closed Transactions Within 90 Days.

Agent: Kai Huculak, EXP Realty