Maritza Contreras - 10 Deals Closed with a 42x ROI in 4 Months

Maritza achieved a 42x ROI on a cash basis working with generateagentleads within 4 months.
State 1:
New business being generated from referrals and cold calls. Also ran Facebook ads.
State 2:
5 deals closed. 5 referrals received from the 5 direct leads generated by generateagentleads.

Maritza joined our program with her team and started taking action straight away. Within the first 4 months, she was able to close 10 deals and get a 42x ROI. That is spending $1 to make back $42 in commissions. This came after she was spending hours cold calling and running her own Facebook ads. Maritza is now looking to scale her monthly ad budget and enforce her referral program. Many agents tend to neglect a backend offer but Maritza is fully capitalizing on that to increase her ROI.

Market: Chicago, Illinois

Result: 10 Deal Closed 4 Months

Agent: Maritza Contreras, Homesmart Connect LLC