Rick Dhillon- 1 Closed Transaction within 90 Days
Rick Dhillon is a top producer working out of Victoria, BC.
State 1: Worked with BoldLeads and wasted money on ad spend. Wasted time dealing with fake phone numbers and non-responsive out of state leads.
State 2: 1 closed transaction in 90 days.
Rick Dhillon is an agent that had bad experience working with online lead generation companies. Prior to speaking with us, Rick was stuck in a long term contract with Boldleads where he saw little to no results. He had mentioned how he was dealing with out of state and fake leads. After dealing with frustration, Rick was left with a bad taste of online lead gen. After getting out of his contract, Rick decided to join us in late 2020 and within the first 90 days Rick closed his first deal. He had spent only $876.28 to close his first deal on a home. An average price of a home in Victoria is $900,000. That is a 17x return on his ad spend within 90 days! Rick is now looking to scale his real estate business with our text conceirge service.