Wade Price - Listing Under Contract + 1 Deal Closed

Wade Price is a real estate investor turned into an agent.

State 1:
Bought leads with not success. Didn't want to learn social media.
State 2:
Listing under contract with plans to buy. 1 deal already closed. 2 deals that unfortunately fell through.

Wade Price is a seasoned real estate investor and liked the aspect of getting paid 24 hours a day with his monthly rental income. He came to us looking for a system that can work 24/7 in his real estate agent business (only 1 month in) without him having to put any time and attention towards it. Liking the fact that our system is completely hands off and takes a few hours to get going, he jumped onboard. Within the first few months of the ramp up period, Wade managed to close 1 deal and put a listing under contract. He also had 2 other leads under contract which unfortunately fell through. Wade is now looking to scale

Market: Nashville, Tennessee

Result: Listing Under Contract + 1 Deal Closed

Agent: Wade Price, eXp Realty