Stephen Crowley - 1 Closed Transaction & Lead Under Contract in 90 Days

Stephen Crowley came to us after frustration from not being able to generate new leads at will. He now has a predictable and consistent process of lead flow.

State 1:
Majority of new clients came from friends and family. Exhausted his network. Tried dabbling into Facebook ads but wasn't successful. Realized he wasn't tech savvy.
State 2:
1 closed transaction & lead under contract.

Stephen came inside the program as a newer agent in August of 2020. His business heavily relied on word of mouth and his network. He dabbled into Facebook ads and tried boosting a few posts but didn't see any traction. To get over the lead generation hump, he decided to give us a shot and within the first 90 days, Stephen closed 1 deal and picked up a lead under contract. Stephen has seen an instant ROI on his marketing dollars. Stephen is currently killing it in Oakville which is a very compeitive and saturated market. Stephen is currently seeing a 44% conversation rate with all the leads that have been generated for him at the time of writing this.

Market: Oakville, Ontario

Result: 1 Closed Transaction & Lead Under Contract in 90 Days

Agent: Stephen Crowley, Century 21